Showing posts with label Employee Tour and Training Management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Employee Tour and Training Management. Show all posts

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Manage Employee Tour and Training Records for your Company Employee

Manage Employee Tour and Training Records for your Company Employee
Install DRPU Employee Planner Software
Download Employee Planner Software

Employee Management helps in monitoring and managing employee activities for your business industry.  It is quite important for any company to have an eye employee day to day activity to prevent any unfamiliar situation that can hinder plant production. Employee Management involves managing staff daily attendance, Leave Information (Casual, sick or any other Leave), Salary and Payroll information. Proper Company and Staff management aims at increasing Business Growth and production in available resources.
Employee Planner Software

DRPU Employee Planner Software is an ERP Suite that helps in managing company records and employee information as per your Company requirement. DRPU Program helps in managing Employee Day to Day Attendance including their office in/out timings. Software is also used to manage Tour and Training records and expenses for your Company employees and whether they will be credited in Employee salary or not. ERP Software for Company Management easily boosts up your Business production by properly scheduling staff shifts to increases manpower and resource utilization.
Manage Employee Tour and Training Records

How to Manage Employee Tour and Training Records for your Company Employee:-

  • Install DRPU Employee Planner Software for managing and monitoring your Employee records including Tour and Training Records.
Download Employee Planner Software

  • Open your Existing Company Profile and enter your Administrative details to access your Company records.
Access your Company Profile

  • Now Click on Employee option in Masters Menu to add your Employee information for your Company. Enter Various Details like Personal Details, Official Details and Salary information etc for your Selected Employee.
  • Now click on Assign Tour Option from Tour and Training Menu for assigning Tour to your Company Employee. Select your Employee ID and verify his name, department and Designation to assign him Tour Schedule.
Select Employee to assign Tour

  • Now manage various Tour options like Duration of Tour, whether Official tour or Personal, Tour expenses provided by company, if any. Fill all the Tour attributes that are applicable among various, as per your Company norms.
Assign Tour to your Employee

  • Similarly, Company can enter Staff Training information using Assign Training Option from Tour and Training Menu for allotting Training Schedule to their Company Employee. Fill various training Attributes and mention whether company will pay any expenses for their Employee Training or not.
Assign Training Schedule

  • Now Click on View Tour Option from Tour and Training Menu to look for the entire employee Detail that has been assigned with a tour schedule. Print your Tour Details using Print Options , as shown.
View Employee Tour Schedule

  • Now Click on View Training Option from Tour and Training Menu to access the entire employee Detail that has been assigned with a training schedule. Print your Training Details using Print Options.
View Employee Training Information

How to Manage Employee Tour and Training Records for your Company Employee

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